
SurviveJS – Webpack 5

SurviveJS - Webpack 5


Webpack, a module bundler, is a powerful tool that helps you to develop complex web applications. “SurviveJS – Webpack” is meant for beginner to intermediate users of the tool that want to understand webpack better.

About the Book

“SurviveJS – Webpack” has been built around a tutorial during which you develop a complex configuration while covering different facets of webpack. The 45 short chapters and seven appendices work as a reference you can use while developing your web applications. Also available as a paperback.

Even though the book has been designed around webpack, many of the techniques covered go beyond it. You will learn to improve the quality of your code while becoming aware of optimization techniques that help you to deliver more performant web applications.

The book was developed in collaboration with the webpack community, and its structure has evolved accordingly. A third of royalties go to Tobias Koppers, the author of the tool. The writer is a core developer of webpack so by purchasing this book you will support the effort in multiple ways.

The content has been split as below:
