Reactive Programming with Kotlin

Reactive Programming with Kotlin
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Up to date for Android 9, Android Studio 3.3 & Kotlin 1.3

The book that teaches you to use RxJava, RxAndroid and RxKotlin to create complex reactive applications on Android and exercise full control over the library to leverage the full power of reactive programming in your apps.

Learn Reactive Programming in Kotlin with RxJava!

Not only will you learn how to use RxJava to create complex reactive applications on Android, you’ll also see how to solve common application design issues by using RxJava, RxAndroid and RxKotlin. Finally, you’ll discover how to exercise full control over the library and leverage the full power of reactive programming in your apps. Specifically, learn to handle asynchronous event sequences via two key concepts in Rx—Observables and Observers. Hone your UI development with RxJava and companion libraries to make it easy to work with the UI of your apps, providing a reactive approach to handling user events. Dig into both intermediate and advanced topics, such as error handling, schedulers, app architecture, repositories, and integrating RxJava with Android Jetpack.


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