
Server Side Swift with Vapor, 2nd Edition

Server Side Swift with Vapor, 2nd Edition
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The definitive book on building web apps and web APIs using Server Side Swift with Vapor, written by the creators of the Vapor 3 framework.

Learn how to build web apps and web APIs using Swift and the Vapor framework!

If you’re a beginner to web development, but have worked with Swift for some time, you’ll find it’s easy to create robust, fully-featured web apps and web APIs with Vapor 3.

Whether you’re looking to create a backend for your iOS app, or want to create fully-featured web apps, Vapor is the perfect platform for you.

This book starts with the basics of web development and introduces the basics of Vapor; it then walks you through creating APIs and web backends; creating and configuring databases; deploying to Heroku, AWS, or Docker; testing your creations and more!
