
Fullstack React Native, Revision 5

Fullstack React Native


Lots of runnable code
When you get access to Fullstack React Native, you’re not getting just a book, but access to live code examples. Every chapter in the book comes packed with a complete project that builds on the concepts of the chapter.

10 Chapters
Every chapter focuses on a different part of the ecosystem, but in the context of an app. So you’ll see how everything fits together.

Complete Sample Apps
Several sample applications, ranging from simple to complex are included with every copy of the book.

Always up-to-date
As the React Native framework matures, so does the book and code. Our team has a history of keeping our books up date – we’ve released updates for our books on Angular & React over 50 times.

Detailed explanations
We explain, in detail, nearly every concept in every chapter. By the end of the book, you’ll understand React Native really well and feel comfortable writing your own apps.
